My Mending Basket

I have this basket. A mending basket. I was inspired to be more conscious of repairing, hemming, fixing, mending when I read the article: Put A Patch On It by Em Falconbridge in Issue 11, MEND of Taproot. To be honest, the basket is full of pieces to mend because although I put the clothing, […]

Stories of clothes

LOVED is the theme this week for Slow Fashion October: as in your proudest accomplishment / most loved item / most frequently worn item / thing you saved up for / investment pieces / thing you worked a long time on / oldest thing that’s still in rotation. – Karen Templer, Fringe Association Many of my clothes hold stories, […]

What’s in my closet

This week’s theme of Slow Fashion October is Small; a prompt to think about what makes up a wardrobe. I must confess there are virtually no handmade, small batch or indie made clothes with an eye to sustainability in my closet. There are a few hand-me-ups from my sister and hand-me-downs I saved from my […]

Finding my way

I was introduced to Karen Templer’s blog Fringe Association and Felicia Semple’s The Craft Sessions this past summer.  I was instantly inspired.  It led me to think about how I approach creativity and what it means to me (and how I haven’t been making much time for it these days). The Stash Less posts not […]